Dry bulb sales for florists

The florist is the ideally suited professional. Making arrangements and personal contact are of high importancy. The Amaryllis is a highly appreciated cut flower during the Christmas season. The sales of Amaryllis dry bulbs also increase every year at the florist.

NL. van Geest offers two options in dry bulb sales:

1. The sale of an exclusive range of amaryllis bulbs in a wooden box with a point of sale in a luxurious look and all bulbs provided with a label under the name Amaranth® Terra. The consumer is stimulated and seduced by an exclusive offer.

2. The sale of dry bulb flowering amaryllises under the name Amaranth® Dry. These Amaryllises are specially selected for use as dry bulbs in arrangements and have the property to flower well. N.L. van Geest has an assortment in various colors suitable for dry bulb flowering.  

Both Amaranth® terra and Amaranth® dry are available at the better wholesale centers or directly from your supplier. Ask about this if Amaranth® is not yet available.

More information about sales or trading partners can be obtained here.