Amaryllis flavouring in the total flower bulb range
NL. Van Geest works together with Dutch flower bulb exporters for its international sales. Amaryllis bulbs are a welcome addition to the assortment of these players who focus in particular on the international sale of tulips, daffodils, lilies and other bulb flowers.
The Amaryllis ensures a reinforcement of the range and offers the exporter opportunities in the increasing need for luxury and quality and therefore more expensive flower bulb products. It is a product with which one can distinguish itself well and offer added value. Moreover, the Amaryllis is a bulb product that is suitable for indoors culture and the sales takes place at a different time than the regular flower bulbs for the garden and/or park.
Export opportunities in the international market with Amaryllis bulbs
The popularity of the Amaryllis is increasing in the same way with prosperity worldwide. In particular, the question from Asia has increased sharply in recent years with countries such as China, Japan and South-Korea. But Russia and Eastern Europe also discover the beauty of the Amaryllis.
Sales in the traditional sales channels is currently changing from simple red and white species to more double -flowered and exclusive types of amaryllissen. We are currently seeing the rise of new web shops worldwide that use a wide exclusive range of Amaryllissen from the start.
NL. Van Geest offers reliability, quality, service and good contact
NL. Van Geest offers expertly prepared and disease -free Amaryllis dry bulb sale and dry flowering amaryllis bulbs that guarantee excellent flowering. NL. Van Geest offers a wide range of Amaryllissen in five types such as the Largeflowered, Largeflowered XXL, Midi, Cybister, Multiflora and double -flowered, including the leading double -flowered Amadeus series.
Dutch Amaryllis bulbs offer the best quality and are most sustainable choice
The production of Dutch Amaryllis bulbs from N.L. van Geest B.V. takes place in-house in our greenhouses in ‘s-Gravenzande in the Netherlands. Depending on the need for preparation, these are available from week 32. These Amaryllis bulbs are characterized by a very high quality and very good flowering.
The exclusive range of N.L. Van Geest is extremely suitable for exports where the quality must be 100% in order and high phytosanitarian requirements apply. You can recognize the quality of an Amaryllisbulb on the inside where the button formation takes place.
In addition, we work together with our Peruvian partner for a range of Amaryllis bulbs for early delivery. Our focus is also on being able to deliver an excellent range plus bulb- and flowering quality.
For sales options for your company you can contact:
Ben van Geest, +31 610 493 348 of +31 174 422 486, ben(at)