Amaryllis Production Netherlands

NL. Van Geest has its most important Amaryllis productions of nearly 60 species in-house at its nurseries in ‘s-Gravenzande, the Netherlands. The soil in the west of the Netherlands near the coast are very suitable for the Amaryllisbulb production.

The Dutch Amaryllis bulbs of N.L. Van Geest are superior in quality, coarseness. They are all disease free. This quality translates into providing the international premium market and whole sale specialist trade. Moreover, these bulbs meet the phytosanitarian impact requirements that apply in particular in the Asian countries such as Japan. Our bulbs are also allowed in New Zealand.

The company is M.P.S.-A certified, which guarantees the highest level of environmentally friendly production.

Dutch Amaryllis bulbs in the best quality

The harvest of Dutch Amaryllis takes place in August, after which the bulbs are sorted, dried, preparated en prepared for shipping to the customer. The preparation is carried out in consultation according to the customer’s wishes. Dutch bulbs are produced not only desease free but also more sustainably by less use of pesticides and use of water in a recirculation system. Our Dutch Amaryllis bulbs are therefore not only the best quality but also the most sustainable choice.

Peruvian Amaryllis bulbs available early

To meet the international demand for early deliveries, part of our Amaryllis range is grown in the southern hemisphere in Peru. With our reliable cultivation partner in Peru, attention is paid to good bulb quality, prolifery and low disease pressure. Peruvian bulbs are harvested in May/June and are available early.